An Argument for Salvation
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." — C.S. Lewis. In this quote given by Lewis, he highlights that quiet longing we all feel for something transcendent, something, he argues, we must have been made for, something we no longer have. He exposes the darkness that we see plaguing others and feel within ourselves: the fact that we are lost, estranged from perfection, and distant from a God we were supposed to be near. Humanity needs to be redeemed, it needs salvation, and Jesus came to offer just that.
Why Do We Need Salvation
Because Adam’s sin brought sin and death into the world all would sin (Romans 5:12). From this point, all humanity now has a bent towards rebellion (of YHWH) and away from our intended state (Gen 2:15-25). We have lost our way. To bring this fact into focus, there are six reasons given as to why people have lost their way: 1. They reject biblical revelation. 2. Because of disobeying their own conscience. 3. Because of their relationship to the world. 4. Because of their relationship to Satan (knowingly or unknowingly). 5. Because of their relationship to sin. 6. Because of their relationship to God (or lack thereof).[1] But, how can humanity, seemingly doomed to a life a rebellion and then death, be saved? The creator would have to intervene. It was a human (Adam) that brought sin and death into the world and it would need to be a human to undo that damage. Since humanity is doomed for sin and death, the only human that could undo such damage would have to be free from sin and be able to defeat death. So, YHWH sent his son, Jesus to live a life we could never live and die a death that we deserve (Romans 5:8) and then defeat said death by resurrecting himself. It was by these means that salvation was made available to us if only we believe (Jn 11:25-27). It is YHWH who initiates our salvation (Jn 6:44). It is by way of the Holy Spirit that we are drawn to him (Jn 16:13-14), repent of our sin (1 Jn 1:9), and believe in Jesus as the messiah.
Many Ways to Salvation?
Despite what has become a popular belief, there can only be one way to salvation. For example: If Jews and Muslims are correct in their estimate of him, Christianity collapses. If Christians are correct, then Christian exclusivism is fully justified.[2] With there being such a stark difference between the different religions, how can it be possible that all roads lead to the same place? Jesus is unique among the possible solution for salvation. The way to salvation must transcend human ability. If humanity could save itself, why hasn't it yet? And why does it seem to be getting worse? The way to salvation must also be a willing participant. Jesus fulfills these criteria by being both willing (1 Tim 2:3-4) and is able (transcending humanity) by being both human and divine.
[1] Dr. Harold L. Willmington, Willmington’s Guide to the Bible (USA: Tyndale House Publishers Inc. 1984) pp. 570
[2] Donald Macleod, The Person of Christ, ed. Gerald Bray, Contours of Christian Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998), 240.